Visix Setup Instructions

Setting up new Visix locations and users

  1. Apply ITWS workstation image

  2. Add Visix Engage software from Software Center

  3. Configure Engage Software

    Instructions back on bench.  Work with Randy or Brian for further assistance.

Not necessary is sub-org is already created, or if they're using an existing Message Playlist

Use Visix Manage -

  1. Create Sub-org (if appropriate)
    1. Administer

    2. Add Sub Org

    3. Give sub org names


      1. email not necessary

  2. Create Playlist(s)
    1. Administer --> Playlist

    2. Leave on "Message" at top drop-down

    3. Add button

    4. Name the Playlist
      1. descriptive of unit/purpose, EX: Engineering FS Playlist (FS = "full screen")

    5. Put in correct sub-org

    6. Upload sample image for playlist

Use Visix Design app - login with Remote Desktop to

  1. Add new layout
    1. Save with name, in sub-orgs

  2. Add new Zone to layout

  3. Add Playlist (which you made above) - under Zones - to zone

  4. Sync

  5. Make sure (close/open if needed) that playlist items are previewing on preview screen
  1. Administer --> Playlist
    1. Choose Layout from top Drop-down

    2. Click Add button

    3. Name Layout Playlist 
      1. dept, EX: Engineering FS Layout Playlist

  2. Manage --> Playlist
    1. Choose Layout from top Drop-down

    2. Highlight new Layout Playlist

    3. Schedule Layout - apply appropriate Playlist created earlier

  3. Apply Layout to PC
    1. Manage --> PC Player

    2. Select Player

    3. "Change Layout Playlist" button

Add user if they're not yet in the Visix Manager

  1. Administer --> Users
  2. Click Add button
  3. Username and email are same - primary email - Ex. (not n359r827).  Include in both.
  4. Make AxisTV Design password Jayhawk! for everyone.
  5. Enter first/last name

    Snapshot of User Fields
  6. Click Next
  7. Select "Signage user or Administrator" and click Next.
  8. Select the arrow to right of "University of Kansas" (in Schedule Messages row) and choose the appropriate Suborganization.

  9. Select green "+" sign at bottom, and "choose a right" in the drop-down by selecting "Manage PC Players"

  10. Select the arrow to right of "University of Kansas" (in Mange PC Players row) and choose the appropriate Suborganization.

  11. Select green "+" sign at bottom, and "choose a right" in the drop-down by selecting "Manage Messages"
  12. Select the arrow to right of "University of Kansas" (in Manage Messages row) and choose the appropriate Suborganization.
  13. Select green "+" sign at bottom, and "choose a right" in the drop-down by selecting "Approve Messages"
  14. Select the arrow to right of "University of Kansas" (in Approve Messages row) and choose the appropriate Suborganization.
  15. Click Next button.
  16. Select "All" then "Next"
  17. Click Add button