Share Media Files From MediaHub
Once you've uploaded content to your MediaHub account, sharing that content is very easy. From MediaHub, you can share either via a web link (URL) or HTML Embed code.
- Login to MediaHub and click on the thumbnail or link of the video you'd like to share.
- Click the Share button below the video
- To share via a direct link to a page with this (and only this) video on it, copy the URL in the Link to Media Page box
- To share via HTML Embed Code, click the Embed tab, select a player skin and size, and copy the HTML code in the box
You'll want to make sure that you're video content is marked as Unlisted, so that it is publicly-viewable. If you notice that it is marked as Private, click on Actions, then Publish to chage that video's setting to Unlisted.
With the HTML Embed code, you can place your video on any external website.
With the Link, your viewers will be sent to this MediaHub page, with permission to only view this single video.